Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hi, Jeydon.

Hi, Jeydon, it's been so long since I've talked to you.. Today marks one month {but who's counting?} I hope you've got where you need to be and I hope you're still missing me. I miss you too, and days get hard. I know you're happy and painfree, so many people have told me. But this is too unfair and much too painful. I don't remember what it's like waking up with you there, how can you be so far away yet so near? One day we'll be together again, but that day feels like miles away. I love you forever and miss you each day, please don't ever fly too far away. -Kyler.

Hi, Jeydon, my love, I miss you so. You're forever my boy, and I want you to know that no matter how many tears I shead, I am still so happy for you. You reached eternal life before us all, and I couldn't promise it in this life, but I can now. Jeydon, you are so free and I swear not a thing will hurt you in any way, ever. I had so many dreams for you, but you were sent to me for different reasons. No matter how short your stay, I had fourteen years to have and to hold you, fourteen years nobody will ever take away. Fourteen years I will forever hold close and cherish. If I could imagine the abundant amount of agape love you're recieving today, baby, I would cry no more. Visit me in my dreams often my love, forever yours, Mum.

Hi, Jey, It's Alexis. Have fun with Jesus and color me a picture of him, ok? Thanks for love!! Love, Lexis.

Hi, Jeydon i is so sad. And Mummy misses you too, bubba. I waved to the monkeys for you. ok, love you, bye.

Hi, Jeydon, Dude this sucks. I always knew there was something awesome about you, maybe that's why you got to leave first. You can't imagine my heartache and tears when I'm alone, probably how I can't imagine how great you got it now. No matter how much I want you back I wouldn't want you to suffer cause that was too brutal. I miss skating with you and the crazy shit we used to do, lol. When you talk to Jesus, ask him to throw in an extra prayer for me to stay outta trouble and get good grades. Hah. Skate in Peace dude. _Levi

More tomorrow.

Miss you today,
Miss you everyday.

One Month....

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