Friday, June 26, 2009

Blue Has Never Been Bluer

We'll be heading out soon, within the next few days.

I am not so much in the posting-mood but I wanted to share an idea that a complete stranger so kindly gave me.
They suggested that we plant a shrub, bush, or tree in memory of Jeydon and I just thought the idea was simply perfect. So, I discussed it with my parents and they so much as agreed, and now in our backyard stands a new little tree, for Jeydon, of course.

Pictures of it soon! Before we leave, I promise!

I also thought that the song in this video brought a strong amount of comfort to myself personally. I really do hope Jeydon is happy and whole now, despite my strong will to want him back here.

Please as you watch that video, also pray for that family, the Aigners. Their daughter has been in Heaven for 1 year yesterday from the same cancer that took Jeydon. I never met them personally, but felt competely inspired by their daughter through her website. Another brave little angel....

Kyler xx.

1 comment:

  1. Kyler,
    I'm glad you planted a tree for Jeydon. That will be someplace for you all to go when you just need to be with him. Something else that you can do is write him a letter and dig a small hole at the base of the tree and "plant" that w/the tree. You can write one letter or you can do it all the time. It's a way for you to talk to him and say the things you are thinking but can't say.. Jeydon will always be with you. There are times when you will be doing something and you'll just feel him, or you'll be just doing something normal and you'll see a sign. I hadn't had much of a chance to post before now but his obituary was beutiful. You and your family did a beautiful job. I think that he would be very proud of you. I hope you all have a nice holiday. I wanted to again tell you that you have touched me more than I could even explain to you. I can't wait for pictures of Jeydon's tree.. I have lots more I want to say to you but I have to get back to doing some work. But I will write more later..

    Have a great day Kyler :)
