Monday, June 15, 2009

Learning How To Fly.

Jeydon steadily continues to decline-rapidly. My mom already began making funeral arrangements which was hard, considering he is still here but that feels just so final. I find myself starring blankly sometimes just thinking he really is going to Heaven now, isn't he? It hurts-a lot. And he continues to hurt every few hours, but the morphine does the trick of healing him temporarily. Jeydon has upped the scales on his amount of morphine and we're almost at 100 MG (I think thats how you put it) of pain medications, which just sedates him and there he lies on the couch very motionless.

He talks in his sleep and says things that none of us can really understand, its mostly just babbling like baby-talk. When the morphine wears off he is still conscious and can still talk, respond and communicate fully if the pain isn't getting the best of him. I assume time is near, and he will be free soon, which we all hope goes slowly yet quickly. We hate to keep him here any longer than God planned for, but we selfishly want more time because we love him and miss him so very much already yet he's just in the next room. Speaking of "next room" someone sent me a poem the other day along of the lines of "I didn't die, I have only slipped into the next room." or something like that, and I found it very comforting. I only wish that was literal and that would really be the case, but Heaven is so much better and he deserves it fully.

Responding to my eariler post was mainly for friends and family so don't scratch your head to think "but she never gave out her address.." lol I didn't, I just needed to clarify it for close relatives and friends. My parents would prefer no visitors until the end because we just want to be like bread and soak up every last sent, moment, memory, and visions of Jeydon. Sorry if that seems a bit rude, but I hope and I think most of you can relate and or understand...

Please continue the prayers.


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